Francesco Venturi composer, vocalist, researcher




By Stefano Cozzi & Andrea Cozzi

In spring 2010, during Eyjafjallajökull eruption, an ash cloud coming from the Icelandic volcano caused the collapse of the international air traffic control. Kenya's floriculturists couldn't send their flowers to Europe: after a political crisis and a time of drought, this could be the final blow for their floral industry. At the same time, the New Zealand King Salmon Company got benefits from this sudden change in the world food trade, while Juraj Hegyi and Zuzana Marcekova, from Slovakia, got married in Taiwan. Stranded – Stories From a Time of Stillness tells us about all these stories, asking questions about today's production and reproduction techniques and depicts something no longer familiar to us: the act of waiting.

Massimodeluca Gallery


Next project: → Stonebreakers

Previous project: ← Servo Muto
